Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Janice)
- Directed By: Blake Edwards
- Release in: October 5, 1961
- Starring: Audrey Hepburn (Holly)
George Peppard (Paul)
This movie is the United States Romantic comedy film. The story is about Holly she is the New York society social girl. She always pursuit money and materially. In her eyes, there is another important goal, that means to marry with the wealthy man. Later, she met Paul and fall in love with him, after a period of time, Paul asked her to marry him. however, Holly seems to be not willing to. Cause in her mind, if to marry with Paul, that means give up her previous efforts. Therefore, Holly in looking for happiness, stumbled on the road, until one day suddenly she knew the meaning of happiness.
Singin’ in the Rain(Weiming)
Directed by: Gene Kelly Stanley Donen
Release time: 3/27/1952
Starring: Gene Kelly
Donald O'Connor
Debbie Reynolds
Jean Hagen
Millard Mitchell
Cyd Charisse
This story is happens in Hollywood with the three stars in the late 1920s. It talks about Don are a film star. Kathy and Don fall in love at the end of the movie. I choice this movie because I like to listen music and never seen the movie released before 20th century. Also, it has the happy ending and a lot of famous song sung in this movie.

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